How to Use ClickUp: Getting Started with ClickUp

How to Use ClickUp: Getting Started with ClickUp

Table of contents

As a flexible work management platform, ClickUp provides many powerful features to customize and streamline your team's workflows. However, the extensive terminology and configuration options can seem overwhelming at first.

In this comprehensive guide on how to use ClickUp, we'll look into ClickUp's hierarchy structure, views, task features, and key settings. With all the core concepts and components explained, you'll be fully equipped to leverage ClickUp for your unique needs.

Key Takeaways

  • ClickUp Hierarchy: The levels include Workspaces, Spaces, Folders, and Lists.
  • ClickUp Views: ClickUp offers various views to visualize tasks, such as List, Board, Calendar, Timeline, Gantt, Table, and Map views.
  • Task Customization: Use task fields, statuses, dependencies, and custom fields to tailor ClickUp to your specific needs.
  • Automations and Apps: ClickUp's automations and apps streamline workflows and eliminate repetitive manual tasks.
  • Permissions: Control access and capabilities of members and guests with granular permission settings.

How to effectively organize tasks in ClickUp?

Start by understanding and utilizing ClickUp's hierarchy. Use the various available views (List, Board, Calendar, Timeline, Gantt, Table, and Map) to visualize your tasks from different perspectives. Customize tasks with task fields, statuses, dependencies, and custom fields. Implement automations to reduce repetitive manual tasks and configure permissions to control access and capabilities of members and guests.

If you prefer, here is our YouTube video to start with ClickUp:

The ClickUp Hierarchy: A Structure for Tasks

The foundation for using ClickUp effectively lies in understanding its hierarchy. This allows you to organize work at multiple levels for optimal efficiency. Here's an in-depth look at the hierarchy components:

Clickup Hierarchy
ClickUp Hierarchy

Understanding ClickUp Workspaces

Workspaces sit at the highest level in ClickUp. They act as completely separate environments that don't share information.

  • You can have multiple Workspaces to silo different teams, departments, or projects.
  • Easily switch between Workspaces to toggle between these environments.

Best practices:

  • Use one Workspace if you need unified visibility. Leverage privacy settings and permissions instead of multiple Workspaces. This avoids duplicating work across Workspaces.
  • Keep tasks within their respective Workspaces for consistency. Don't cross-wire tasks between Workspaces to maintain clean separation.
Workspace settings in Clickup
Workspace settings in ClickUp

How to Use Spaces in ClickUp for Better Organization

Spaces are subdivisions within a Workspace. They allow you to organize major divisions like departments, teams, and high-level projects.

  • You can have unlimited Spaces within a Workspace.
  • Spaces are where you configure features like custom statuses, views, and ClickApps.
  • Privacy settings control member vs guest access at the Space level.

Typical use cases:

  • Company departments - Sales, Marketing, Engineering etc.
  • Major initiatives - Website Redesign, New Product Launch etc.
  • Teams - Web Development, Sales etc.

Best practices:

  • Limit Spaces to higher-level divisions and avoid proliferating many micro-Spaces.
  • Name Spaces clearly based on their purpose like "Marketing Department".

Organizing Your Tasks with ClickUp Folders

Folders add an optional intermediate level of organization under Spaces. They don't directly hold tasks but contain multiple task Lists instead.

  • Useful for grouping related Lists and providing an additional filtering layer.
  • Lists within the same Folder can share settings like custom statuses.

Use cases:

  • Group Lists by client for a consultancy firm.
  • Separate Folders by service line in an agency - SEO, PPC, Web Design etc.

Best practices:

  • Only use Folders if you need the additional organizational level. Avoid overcomplicating your hierarchy.
  • Name Folders clearly like "Client Projects" to indicate their grouping relationship.
Folder settings in Clickup
Folder settings in Clickup

Creating and Managing Lists in ClickUp

Lists hold the tasks themselves and sit within Folders or directly within Spaces. Tasks always belong to a List.

  • Essential for managing and separating distinct workflows and projects.
  • Settings like custom statuses and fields can be defined at the List level.


  • Website Redesign Project
  • January Newsletter Tasks
  • Client Onboarding Checklist

Best practices:

  • Name Lists clearly based on the project or workflow they represent.
  • Try to limit tasks to 200-300 per List for optimum performance.

With this hierarchy - from Workspaces at the top down through Spaces, Folders, Lists, and Tasks - you can construct a tailored structure for your team's work.

List settings in Clickup
List settings in Clickup

Exploring ClickUp Views: Visualizing Your Tasks

Once your Workspace hierarchy is established, ClickUp provides a diverse range of Views to visualize your tasks:

List Views

List Views display tasks in a list format and are the most commonly used. They offer tremendous flexibility:

  • Group, filter, and sort tasks in endless ways.
  • Customize visible columns with task fields.
  • Save filtered, grouped views for one-click access.

List Views provide the greatest flexibility for managing and prioritizing tasks. They can satisfy a wide range of needs depending on how they're configured.

Best practices:

  • Use List Views as your primary task management view.
  • Name saved List Views clearly based on their specific configuration.
List views
List views

Board Views

Board Views showcase tasks by status on a drag-and-drop kanban board. They bring agile-style workflows to life visually:

  • Swimlanes separate tasks status-wise into columns.
  • Easily drag tasks between statuses to move work through a pipeline.
  • Ideal for agile development teams, creative workflows, and any status-driven process.

Board Views make status-based workflows extremely visual and tactile. This additional context can help teams manage priorities and bottlenecks.

Best practices:

  • Position Board Views after List Views in your sidebar for quick access.
  • Limit number of task statuses to 5-8 for optimum Board View performance.

Calendar Views

Calendar Views plot scheduled tasks onto a calendar within ClickUp. This provides an integrated calendar experience:

  • Assign due dates to place tasks directly on your calendar.
  • View teammate schedules at a glance.
  • Integrate Google Calendar or other tools using Embed views.
  • Date-based filtering and reminders.

For date-driven teams, Calendar Views enable easy scheduling and resource planning without toggling between tools.

Best practices:

  • Use Calendar View to quickly visualize upcoming due dates in one place.
  • Sync your Google Calendar to consolidate your schedule.

Timeline Views

Timeline Views spread tasks out visually on a horizontal timeline. This unlocks additional perspectives:

  • View teammate schedules and capacity over time.
  • Group tasks by priority to spot conflicts.
  • Drag tasks to reschedule them with ease.
  • Ideal for roadmapping, resource planning, and scheduling.

Timelines provide a linear schedule perspective that complements ClickUp's other views.

Best practices:

  • Use Timeline Views to optimize resource allocation across projects.
  • Group tasks by assignee to visualize individual capacity.

Gantt Views

Gantt Views visualize tasks on a Gantt chart with task dependencies mapped out. Use them for:

  • Planning and scheduling complex projects.
  • Viewing dependent and overlapping tasks.
  • Ensuring realistic timelines based on relationships.
  • Exporting schedules to share as PDFs.

For product launches, construction schedules, and intricate projects, Gantt Views add powerful project planning capabilities.

Best practices:

  • Map out task dependencies in Gantt Views for complex initiatives.
  • Export Gantt charts to visualize schedules with stakeholders.

For an in-depth look at using Gantt charts in ClickUp, check out this great guide.

Table Views

Table Views lay out tasks in a spreadsheet-style view. Benefits include:

  • Viewing tasks from multiple Lists in one table.
  • Analyzing a high volume of tasks and data points at once.
  • Exporting tasks as a .csv file.

When you need to review or export a large batch of tasks in one place, Table Views are extremely helpful.

Best practices:

  • Use Table View to audit tasks across multiple Lists or projects.
  • Export tasks to .csv to analyze outside of ClickUp in a spreadsheet.

Map Views

Map Views plot location-based tasks onto a map. By adding a Location custom field, you can:

  • View task locations visually on a map.
  • Assign location tags.
  • Color code pins based on status or priority.

For field teams, trucking companies, and location-driven tasks, Map Views geo-visualize your workflows.

Best practices:

  • Integrate maps to map out locations of tasks like client sites or field locations.
  • Color code map pins by status or priority for quick visual indicators.

This diverse range of Views provide myriad ways to visualize your tasks based on your needs - list, board, calendar, timeline, chart, table, map, and more.

For a deep dive on the various ClickUp views, check out this views overview.

Customizing Tasks in ClickUp for Maximum Efficiency

ClickUp offers extensive options for adding custom data and configuring settings at the task level:

Task Fields

Task fields allow capturing key information on each task:

  • Assignees: Assign team members to tasks.
  • Due Dates: Set due dates to manage schedules.
  • Checklists: Break down tasks into smaller checkable items.
  • Time Tracking: Log time directly on tasks.
  • Priorities: Flag high priority tasks.
  • Tags: Label and categorize tasks.
  • Custom Fields: Add custom dropdowns, numbers, links and more.

Best practices:

  • Assign tasks directly to individuals, not Groups.
  • Set due dates conservatively to avoid missed deadlines.
  • Break down large tasks into checklists.


Statuses indicate the state of a task like "To Do", "In Progress", "Review" etc.

  • Visually indicate task progress through color-coded statuses.
  • Customize statuses to match your workflows.
  • Tasks flow through statuses as work is completed.

Best practices:

  • Limit statuses to 5-8 for simplicity.
  • Name statuses clearly like "In Progress" instead of ambiguous names.
  • Position statuses in logical order mirroring workflow.


Dependencies create relationships between tasks that influence scheduling:

  • "Waiting On" dependencies mean a task can't start until another is finished.
  • "Blocking" dependencies require a task to be completed before another can begin.

Best practices:

  • Use dependencies sparingly to avoid overcomplicating schedules.
  • Ensure dependent tasks have reasonable sequencing and time estimates.
Dependencies relationship in Clickup
Dependencies relationship in ClickUp

Key Settings in ClickUp: Tips and Best Practices

Beyond tasks, some other important settings areas to understand:


You can customize visible columns, sorting, grouping, filtering etc. within each view. And save custom views for repeat use.

Best practices:

  • Name saved views clearly based on their specific configuration.
  • Delete unused views to reduce clutter.
Filter Lists in Clickup
Filter Lists in Clickup


These optional features like custom fields, time tracking etc. can be enabled selectively per Space.

Best practices:

  • Only enable ClickApps needed for that Space to avoid feature overload.
  • Turn off unused ClickApps to streamline the UI.


Automations allow you to trigger actions like status changes automatically when configured criteria are met.

Best practices:

  • Build automations to eliminate repetitive manual work.
  • Keep automations limited in scope with specific criteria to avoid unintended triggers.

Custom Fields

Build custom fields tailored to your workflows like links, numbers, dropdowns and more. You can reuse fields in multiple Spaces.

Best practices:

  • Audit existing fields before creating new ones.
  • Name custom fields intuitively based on their purpose.


Grant granular access control across Spaces, Lists etc. Restrict permissions like editing tasks per member or guest role.

Best practices:

  • Leverage permission settings to carefully control access.
  • Restrict guest permissions to only necessary abilities.

Pulling It All Together

The true power of ClickUp comes from connecting and configuring all of these pieces - hierarchies, views, task features, apps, automations, fields, and permissions - to match your team's unique needs.

While it can seem complex at first glance, starting with the core concepts of Workspaces, Spaces, Lists, and Tasks establishes a scalable foundation.

With your structure in place, choose Views that provide helpful visual perspectives on your workflows. Dig into all the ways you can customize tasks using statuses, dependencies, and custom fields. Build conditional automations to handle repetitive actions. And leverage permissions to carefully control access and abilities.

The time investment required to learn ClickUp thoroughly pays immense dividends. Clicking all the pieces together based on your team's needs empowers you to manage work extremely efficiently.

The terminology and components covered in this guide provide a comprehensive overview of ClickUp's capabilities. Our hope is this gives you the confidence and clarity needed to derive maximum value.

Beginner's Video Guide

For a quick visual overview of getting started with ClickUp, we've also prepared this beginner's video guide:

This video walks through setting up your ClickUp Workspace, creating Spaces and Lists, adding and customizing tasks, using different Views, and more. It provides a helpful complement to this written guide for those who prefer video tutorials.

The journey is understanding ClickUp's extensive options, configuring them purposefully, and forming them into tailored solutions for your organization. With the fundamentals covered here, you're equipped to get started!

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